Discover how iStratus can streamline your financial planning and budgeting. Learn to set SMART financial goals, track expenses, and achieve financial wellness for a prosperous New Year.
Read MoreDiscover how to seamlessly integrate fitness goals into your daily routine with iStratus. Learn to set SMART goals, track progress, and maintain motivation for a healthier lifestyle.
Read MoreGenerally speaking, checklists entail a set of statements that correspond to specific criteria and indication of the action required. They may be “single-use” or designed for repeated usage. With a single tap, a checkmark appears in iStratus Organizer App to keep your daily, weekly, monthly tasks in order, avoiding the backlog of those “To Do’s” that can overwhelm our lives.
Read MoreIf you are trying to get ahead, taking work home with you might not be the answer. More is not better.
Read MoreThe beginning of the year inspires many of us to reflect, assess where we are professionally or personally, and, hopefully, set goals for the New Year.
There’s something about the flip of the calendar that fills us with a sense of opportunity, excitement, or curiosity for what the year ahead might bring.
Are you prone to procrastination? What excuses do you use? Take these steps now to move forward and leave procrastination behind
Read MoreWhy does your brain crave newness and what can you do about it. You might be surprised by the small things that will make a big difference in the New Year.
Read MoreFailure—a very short, powerfully negative word that inspires fear in many of us. And why not? By definition, failure is “lack of success...insufficiency...subnormal quality or quantity.” Why shouldn’t something that negative be feared and avoided? This common perception of failure makes us more inclined to view difficult situations or opportunities that may increase our chance of failing as threats.
Read MoreLikely, when you think of stress and eating, visions of warm mounds of mashed potatoes, ice cream, or your grandmother’s creamy mac and cheese spring to mind.
Read MoreHolidays can be a time of excitement and joy connecting with friends and family, but it also can be a time of added stress as we struggle to fit holiday celebrations, preparations, and gift buying into an already busy schedule.
The term—growth mindset—was coined by Stanford Professor Carol Dweck after her research of student performance.
Dweck found that students fell into two groups: students who believe that their success is a product of their own hard work and persistence (growth mindset); or, students who believe that whatever success they might have is solely a product of some innate intelligence or talent, not effort (a fixed mindset).
Read MoreWorkspace design is something few entrepreneurs thinks about before they have to move into their first office space. But getting it right can create engagement and flow that increases your productivity and efficiency throughout your business.
Read MoreWork doesn’t have to be a daily drudge. Work can be fun. Try these five tips to start enjoying your work life.
Read MoreMeditation doesn’t have to mean sitting in a field with your eyes closed. It doesn’t have to take a long time. It simply takes sitting up straight, sitting still and breathing. You can even do it at your desk. And yes, you have time. Meditation will help you have time.
Read MoreYou spend many hours of your day on your smartphone and computer…to the point where your body (especially your neck) is starting to feel it. Tech Neck has a variety of symptoms-both short and long-term. However, all is not lost. There are preventative methods and solutions to help.
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