Task Management - How Our Upgrades Can Help
"This is the year I get more organized."
We have all said it. In the past we have tried everything from post-it notes, to computer programs to asking Apple's Siri to remind us. And still, when the New Year begins we say, "This is the year I get more organized."
It was this very sentiment that inspired us to bring back the Dayplanner. The one place you could keep everything. Except this time it's on your iPhone or iPad. If you are like 99.9% of people today, your device is always with you.
Smart phones and devices did make organizing our lives easier. We have almost everything we need in the device itself and that has been a great step forward for productivity and organization. But at iStratus, we knew we could do more.
With iStratus we put everything in one app. You no longer have to leave your Calendar app to look at important photos for a task. You never have to leave a task to search for the address you or amount of a bill you need to pay. You never have to leave your reminders app for your calendar. Instead you have it all in one place. Using the iStratus DayPlanner you can add photos to your task or calendar entry. You can create a PDF and store it in your task manager. You can even create checklists for each of these entries. And best of all you don't have to re-enter all of your information because you are using a new calendar app. iStratus works in conjunction with the calendar that is already on your phone.
Most people agree that a task manager is the best way to stay on task and feel less stressed throughout your day. Having a task manager allows you to add tasks without losing them in a calendar setting. Unfinished tasks roll forward. Labeling tasks according to priority helps you start your day knowing what has to be done. And, let's be honest, marking items off your list as the day progresses may be one of the most satisfying feelings known to man.
This week we made this feature even better. In the Dayplanner we updated the task manager. You can still create tasks with or without deadlines and customize each task. You can still add checklists and PDF's but now, you can add repeat reminders. With repeat reminders you can remind yourself monthly about the mortgage or rent payment before it is due. You can remind yourself weekly to take out the trash the night before so you don't wake up to the sound of the garbage trucks. Or you can remind yourself daily to make your bed until it becomes second nature.
What our customers say:
"I love the task manager. I am a visual person and even though I have most of my tasks in my head, I love being able to see what my day has in store when I wake up. Better yet, each morning when I wake up I evaluate not just what I am going to be doing today but what I did yesterday. Having the task manager helps me to see whether I am putting to much on my plate and need to plan my days better or whether I have had a really productive day and blown right through my list. And because it's part of the calendar view I can look at my tasks in conjunction with my appointments. Will I really have the time to get those tasks done today, with 5 appointments on the books? It allows me to prioritize. The iStratus app is an integral part of keeping my life organized." - Megan A.